Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Capital District Christmas Offering For Hispanic/Latino Ministries

"The image (below) is about the self-empowerment, creativity and determination of the Hispanic/Latino people to create a new reality for the church and all creation. From countryside to urban centers, and from within the canvas (meaning from within the community), it depicts the dreams of our people, who are painting a vision of God's children"

The vision of the National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry is that of a growing, dynamic, and inclusive church as United Methodist responds to the opportunity presented by the increasing Hispanic/Latino population of the United States. To be such a church, God need disciples who are faithful sowers of the Gospel in our world.

Our district has formed a Hispanic/Latino Ministries Team which seeks to encourage and empower every congregation to live into this vision. The Reverend Edith Salazar Veliz (Luz Del Pueblo: White Plains UMC Cary) serves as our Team Chair. Edith may be contacted via e mail @

The National Plan For Hispanic/Latino Ministries is something each congregation should dedicate time to explore and understand. The plan is available for your review at the following web address.   

The Capital District has established a special Hispanic/Latino Ministries Fund. These monies enable us to assist our Hispanic/Latino pastors in leadership development and education, summer and after school programs for children and youth, and the support of infrastructure for ministries in our district. This year we partnered with The Heritage District to purchase a used passenger van to help in transporting 30 Hispanic children to a ministry near Bailey -
La Estrella Resplandeciente (The Shining Star). Several of our Capital District congregations are supporting this mission with volunteers. Take a peek at what this ministry seeks to accomplish with our help.    Please contact The Reverend Lucho Reinoso to discover how your church can partner in this hands-on ministry. 
His cell number is 919-495-2115

Will your congregation receive a special offering during Advent/Christmas this December to help expand our work among our Hispanic/Latino brothers and sisters across the Capital District ? Your generosity will help us to do together what no one church could ever accomplish alone. Your church's remittance to the Conference Treasurer should be earmarked: Capital District Hispanic/Latino Ministries. 

A few weeks ago I watched the video, "The New American Reality".       This eye-opening animation is only 2 minutes 51 seconds in length, but it will change the way you see. Please watch it, and then share it with leaders in your church and with your neighbors and friends. 

Felice Navidad,

Juan (El Methodista)

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